
I want to report sexual harassment

As a Students’ Union, we believe that we have the duty to challenge harassment and violence at any instance and encourage all students to report it. When we are silent about these issues, we become complicit to them.

When we talk about sexual harassment, it often is given a very narrow definition of what it might involve. Sexual harassment is not just about physical touching or groping, it can be applied to any unwanted and persistent behaviour of sexual nature.

If you experience any form of sexual harassment at any of our events, you can report the incident to any member of security, bar staff or supervisor/duty manager. They will take the details of the perpetrator and will immediately remove them from the building. The staff will also advise you if you want to follow-up on the complaint.

If you feel able to talk to someone about it and you'd like to, you can book an appointment with one of our advisors by visiting the Union Helpdesk - our advisors offer free and impartial advice and are happy to chat with you about any problems you are having. Alternatively, the College provides free counselling services to support you if you need a chat or you need professional and impartial advice. You can contact them by emailing counselling@royalholloway.ac.uk.

You can also report sexual harassment to the College through their eCampus site.

I don't drink / I'm worried about peer pressure to drink

Royal Holloway Students' Union is all about making sure that you have the best experiences at Royal Holloway. This includes making sure that you don’t have to do anything you’re not comfortable with. We understand that lots of students don’t drink for different reasons, and that’s totally valid. We host loads of non-alcoholic events over the year for you to get involved with, such as the Colour Run, diversity picnic and more! If you feel harassed or pressured to do anything you’re not comfortable with, you can report it to security at an evening event, a member of identifiable college staff during the day or your hall duty officer.