Alicia Marriott

Candidate for VP Welfare and Diversity

Alicia Marriott.

#MakeitMarriott for VP Welfare and Diversity

Hi Everyone! I’m Alicia, and I’m running to be your VP Welfare and Diversity. I’m currently studying an MA in Holocaust Studies and completed my undergraduate degree at RHUL in CLC. My passion for change was inspired as Charity Secretary of Women’s Football raising £3000 for a range of charities, introducing the #itsokaytotalk campaign and organizing a week of activities for Eating Disorder Awareness and much more. This year I became Treasurer of the club and BUCS and LUSL Sports Rep representing 18 clubs. Working at the SU as Passport and Employability Coordinator, I have worked closely with the Careers service and engage with students on a regular basis- some of you might recognize me from working at the Armstrong Gun since my first year!


Beyond the Binary

“50% of trans students had seriously contemplated dropping out of their degree course. 1 in 3 had experienced some form of bullying and harassment at university”(2013).

Driving a campaign, challenging, and re-educating the student populace on what it means to be gender fluid or transgender called ‘beyond the binary’. I will lobby the college for more solid guidelines and protections for this community and introduce a marginalized genders rep on the Equalities board.

Emphasizing Male Mental Health

In 2015, 86% of men felt there was a stigma attached to mental health at university.

I will campaign about male mental health in collaboration with the Cameron Grant Memorial Trust to increase awareness, educate and support our students directly.

Accessible and Healthy Food for Less

I will introduce Healthy Food for Less in SU Outlets including more vegan specials, gluten free and organic drinks. On my agenda would be lobbying college for more variety in Founders and the Hub, rethinking food waste and raising awareness for eating disorders.

Revising International Week

A bigger and better International Week! Celebrating the 1,974 International students with food stalls, exhibitions and performances from societies, culminating in an awards evening to recognise everyone contributing to diversity on campus.

Student Safety

My policies on Student Safety include working to improve the Health centre/Counselling Services, further availability of STI tests. Additionally, lobbying for a 24 hour bus service, street lighting and making Sexual Assault a high priority issue within college.

(If you see me around please ask more about my other proposals: Postgraduate Care, Welfare in Sport, Housing and the ‘Celebrate Cycling’ scheme!).