Monday 27 November 2023

11:00 - 15:00

EWD Atrium

SU on Tour: Cost of Living

We're heading to the library to talk to you about the rising cost of living and student housing.

As your Students’ Union, we are working proactively to help reduce the financial and mental burden being caused by the crisis. From lobbying the University to running our own initiatives, there are a number of different ways we are working to support you through this challenging period. 

As part of that commitment, we have launched our Cost of Living Hub on our website which includes all of the details of things we are working on as well as support and advice to deal with the crisis. 

We also want to hear what you have to say and any concerns and suggestions you may have. We'll see you in the Emily Wilding Davison Atrium.

SU on Tour

Throughout the academic year, the SU staff and Sabbatical Officer team will be out and about on campus so that you have the chance to have your voice heard! We'll be hitting you up to find out what you want to see from your SU as well as how we can support you with our campaigns. If you see us around, come and say hi!