
Mises (Mii-sus) Society


"One original thought is worth a thousand mindless quotings"- Diogonese (I do quite enjoy irony)


The Royal Holloway Mises Society (Mii-sus) is dedicated to promoting the value of freedom for all. We percieve the purpose of life to be the obtainment of pleasure regardless of method, the society supports the freedom and madness that was present with the old god Diyonisus.  We the Royal Holloway Mises Society avoid hot topics in favour of siple funny topics such as "is water wet?", "who is the best pagan god?", "why has god abandoned us?". we look for people to consider issues without having to worry about being taken too seriously or having trouble in expressing themselves without risking others opinion of them.

unlike other societies we persue obtainment of knowledge and understanding from shared experience be that drinking, debating or simply having fun.


we are currently still in the process of properly designing weekly socials but have events already planned such as:

. A proper pub crawl

. Debates on different topics 

. Ultimate hide and seek

. Drinks.


Summer Elections 2024

This election period will elect all the student leaders within our student groups, as well as our unfilled Community Officer positions, who are there to represent underrepresented groups on campus, and members of our Societies, Sports and Opportunities Executive, who work with the VP Societies and Sport to develop policy and plans in their area of engagement. For student group elections, if you are a current student and a paid, standard member of any group you can stand and vote for the committee for the coming year. Please note, you must also be a student in the 2024/2025 academic year in order to stand in the election.

1134 posts are up for election.

Nominations close at 23:59 on Friday 3 May 2024 (in 10 hours)

The polls open at 12:00 on Tuesday 7 May 2024 (in 3 days and 22 hours)





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