


About us

Our society is open to people who have never played squash before, as well as to more experienced players!


Squash is a fast-paced, dynamic racket sport, centered heavily around reflexes. During our sessions our members have lots of fun improving their skills and fitness, as well as getting to meet new people. Our society is an all inclusive  environment with a consistent and reliable schedule of two training sessions a week as well as regular social events. Our members also have the chance to attend yearly squash tournaments such as the Roehampton Club University Cup and the Warwick Inter-University Tournament.


Tuesday sessions (7-8:30pm) are open to all our members, and offer a more laid back experience of squash, where you can pick up new skills and play against other like-minded players!

We hold socials regularly, including pub socials and other activities.


Follow our social media pages to keep up to date with our training schedule and socials!



We will be offering a standard membership that all members will be required to purchase, with optional top ups that will enhance your experience with us.

Standard membership-

Our standard membership allows members to participate in our weekly social squash sessions, where members can casually or competitively play against and with each other, all while getting to meet like-minded people.  Membership fees go towards the maintenance of the club's facilities, as well as equipment that is used during sessions by the whole club.

This membership can either be bought as a one off payment, that will cover you for the entire year, or in two instalments during term 1 and term 2.

Top ups

Team top up-

Our team top up can be added to the standard membership, for members that have been invited to represent the club on a competitive level. This top up allows access to entry into BUCS and LUSCL leagues.

Kit top up-

Our kit top up provides members with a Royal Holloway Bears sports shirt, that can be worn to training sessions, matches, or socials such as Come In Your Kit. This is available to all members of the society.

 Coaching top up-

Our coaching top up is available for those who have been invited to weekly training sessions with our professional, level 3 squash coach Rob Beaumont. Team members are expected to attend these weekly sessions.

This membership can either be bought as a one off payment, that will cover you for the entire year, or in two instalments during term 1 and term 2.

(This top up is unfortunately not available for the 2023/24 academic year)

Induvidual BUCS top up-

Our BUCS individual top up allows members to enter the BUCs induvidual championships, where members compete in an induvidually graded tournament against other university players.


Get in touch!






  • Standard Membership (Yearly)£35.00
  • Standard Membership (Term 2/3)£20.00


  • Charity Tournament Guest Ticket - 2022£5.00
BUCS Men's Captain
Eddy Instance
LUSL Men's Captain
Nathan Mott
Thomas Aldridge
Diarmuid Harron
Oliver Maclarnon