Express Yourself With Healthy Relationships Week

Nisha (VP Wellbeing & Diversity) is bringing you a week of informative events and activities to raise awareness of toxic/abusive relationships and create a culture of empathy, communication, and mutual respect.

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This week, we're launching our Healthy Relationships Campaign! Across the week, we'll be getting you involved in informative events and activities across the week designed to raise awareness of toxic/abusive relationships and to promote healthy ones.

We're working towards a campus where every student feels safe, respected, and valued in their relationships. Whether it's friendships or romantic relations, everyone deserves to experience positive interactions and connections.

Unfortunately, the reality is that toxic/abusive relationships do exist with over 162,000 students reporting experiences of domestic abuse in 2019/20. We want to make sure that you know the signs of toxic/abusive relationships and will be empowering our community to form healthy connections with a range of activities and events such as art expression sessions and self-care workshops. 

We also plan to equip you with the knowledge and tools you will need to identify, address, and prevent toxic behaviour in your relationships through workshops and resources.  

This campaign is all about creating a positive, inclusive environment where healthy relationships can flourish. Join us in fostering a campus culture that celebrates empathy, communication, and mutual respect.


If you are wondering if your relationship with a partner or family member is abusive or unhealthy, take this quiz run by Say It Out Loud to find out more. It’s designed to get you thinking about the relationship, not to give you a definitive answer as to whether it is good for you. 


Remember, if you think you could be in an abusive or unhealthy relationship or are worried about a friend, then please don’t hesitate to reach out to the University's Wellbeing team. They will be happy to discuss the situation with you to help you make informed choices, ask questions and seek support.  

You can contact the Wellbeing team by emailing   

Within the Wellbeing team, there is also the Student Counselling Service, which can help with relationship-related problems. They work in a non-judgmental way to help you.


We've also put together a list of external resources with helplines, information and support in case you need it.

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