
Joining Collectives

There are two different types of membership available: member and supporter. If you’re purchasing a membership, that means that you identify within that group (i.e. if you identify as LGBT+, you would join that Collective as a member). If you don’t identify within that group, but wish to support its activities and campaigns, you would join as a supporter.

Only full members of the Collective (i.e. people who identify within that group) are able to take part in the democratic processes, such as the elections to be a convenor. To be able to run in the election to be a convenor of a collective, you’ll need to make sure you “purchase” a free membership. This should then make the elections platform available to you. You may have to wait up to 24 hours for this to register on our system.

If you’re looking to get involved in a Collective, you’ll need to “purchase” your free membership and then you can get involved by attending any events listed or by getting in contact with the convenors. We’ll be opening up elections again in May should you be interested in becoming part of the leadership of a Collective.

How to become a convenor

To be eligible to run in the election to become a convenor, you’ll need to make sure you are a member of it first. Only full members of a collective (i.e. those who self-define into the individual groups) are eligible to run in the nomination and/or vote.

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