Maia Jarvis.

Candidate for VP Education

VOTE JARVIS – #VP Ed with a Vision

As a School Rep this year, I have worked tirelessly to amplify student voices and spearhead initiatives which have led to tangible improvements on student life. Recently, I successfully lobbied the music department to change their method of assessing recitals, which positively impacted 110 students. I also work closely with both the current VP Education and the reps within my school, meaning I have the experience and drive required to turn student feedback into concrete change.

PERSONAL TUTORS: I will ensure everyone gets comprehensive support from their personal tutor. Too many students never hear from their PT and my goal is to make sure tutors regularly check in with students. I will liaise with departmental Senior Tutors to conduct termly reviews which check students are receiving support and create a clear system for changing personal tutor.

ASSESSMENT METHODS: I want students to have a say in whether alternative assessments introduced because of COVID-19 will be kept or replaced with previous assessment styles when it is safe to do so. I will ensure that students receive extensive support if/when in-person exams are reintroduced and that there is clear communication from departments about how much of a module is delivered in-person or online.

JOINT HONOURS: This term I am co-leading a joint honours focus group with Alissa Chohan and as VP Ed, I would ensure that these students get support tailored to their specific degree pathways. I also plan to appoint more joint honours-specific student reps to advise on initiatives and improve communication between departments and schools.

WRITING SUPPORT: Students constantly tell me that they need more writing support. I want to embed report and essay writing workshops into the degree so students can access academic help whenever they need to. I plan to survey students and collaborate with CeDAS to provide guidance that is module- and assignment-specific. I will also hold the university accountable for releasing marked work late and ensure coursework feedback is detailed and constructive.

STUDY NETWORKS: Tackling feelings of isolation and boosting motivation among students is extremely important to me. I aim to organise Virtual Study Sessions, where students can work and bounce off ideas with other people from their module on a Teams call, and expand the Writing Café scheme to all schools, giving first-years the opportunity to receive academic advice from third-years.

VOTE JARVIS – #VP Ed with a Vision