Sathwik Pajjuri.

Candidate for VP Education

About me:

I am Sathwik Pajjuri running for VP Education in the upcoming elections and I believe that I have the most pragmatic and realistic ideas that deal with the concerns that I have seen and heard from across campus.

Why me:

In the past during my Bachelors, I have been carrying the below positions which shows my credentials to contest for this post

  • The Co-Ordinator of volunteers for “Managers Without Borders”
  • Academic Representative for Bachelor of Technology – Computer Science
  • Student member of University T-hub

My Agenda:

If elected these are the aspects I will be mainly working on to start with -

  • Module Information:
    I will work on mainstreaming the module information. Currently there is very little information about modules. Every department needs to provide more information about the lecturer who handles the modules and detailed assessment process so that students are aware of what they are choosing and going to do.
  • Balancing Credits:
    Its difficult for students to balance their credits with electives. They are forced to choose electives to match credits and in process they are sacrificing their interested electives. I will work on a system where students can balance their credits with interested electives.
  • Recordings playback:
    I will work on making video lectures accessible to students until they complete their Masters program. It helps students to go through the recordings in future to brush up their knowledge or clarify any doubts even after their term ends.
  • Exam and Course Feedback:
    It has been noticed by students that there is no feedback process on course works and exams. Even if students voluntarily give feedback its not being taken seriously. If elected, I will work on this issue and ensure there are higher standards for giving feedback and work on implementing those.
  • Evaluation Process:
    There is no proper response from evaluating lecturer about the awarded marks or Grades. I will work on changing this where evaluating lecturer and course lecturer would work together in setting up the exams so that students get a proper feedback on their paper evaluation.

With everchanging education needs and increasing student population in the current scenario we need a strong student representation to voice our needs and get the best from university. Elect me and I will whole heartedly work for a better quality of education to all of us.

Yours Sincerely,

Sathwik Pajjuri