Live Statistics

Live statistics.

Last year 25.35% of you voted in the SU Elections and we want to smash this record for a third consecutive year. If we're successful we'll crash the price of Hooch at Results Night down to just £1 for the entire night!

Race to £100.

Are you a member of a student group? We're giving away two £100 prizes to groups in this year's elections. One prize will go to groups with over 50 members while the second will go to those smaller groups with under 50 members. Taking part is simple and it all comes down to who can get the highest (and fastest) turnout of members voting in this year's SU Elections!

The rules:

  • Only groups with over 20 members will be eligible
  • Only active groups will be included 
  • The £100 must be used for an event or activity to benefit all members

Overall voters