Bana, VP Societies & Sport, gives you the rundown on BUCS Conference 2024.
Bana Asqalan
VP Societies & Sport
Hey everyone! I am Bana, Your VP Societies & Sport.
In my first week of the role, I attended BUCS Regional Conference 2024, held at the University of Warwick from Tuesday 16 July – Thursday 18 July. You’re probably wondering what went down so I’m here to answer the question “What goes on at BUCS Conference?”

What is BUCS?
British Universities & Colleges Sport (BUCS) is the national body for sport at universities across the UK. They run everything from weekly fixtures to national competitions!
What Happens in BUCS Conferences?
A LOT! Workshop sessions, key speakers from the sports industry, and sabbatical officer networking. I’ve attended many sessions in which we discussed:
- Safeguarding in Physical Activity and Sport.
- York Sport Union Challenge Week: Supporting Clubs to Self-Fund.
- International Student Travel.
- Foundations of Club Development.
- Beyond the Cycle: Women’s Gym Experiences During Menstruation
Discussing issues other Sports Sabbs are facing and our aims for the year helped us achieve a plan for the year ahead to improve sports at our universities!
Talks from keynote speakers in the sports industry included Lisa Wainwright MBE, CEO of the Sport and Recreation Alliance, three-time Olympic champion, Ed Clancy OBE and Ali Oliver MBE, Chief Executive at Youth Sport Trust where they shared their insights and experiences, providing immense knowledge.