Blog: President's Update For Term Two

Your Union President, Tash Barrett, gives us an update on what she will be working on for term two.

officer blogpresident blog

This term I have already kickstarted ‘SU On Tour’ (one of my key manifesto points) which was a huge success. We gave out 300 doughnuts to students and had over 120 extensive conversations with individuals on what the SU can do for them.

We promoted our free, independent advice centre, reminded everyone that elections nominations are open and drew attention to the value of our Bright Ideas platform where students can suggest anything they want to see implemented.

Feedback was really positive from both staff and students, the event proved to be a great way for us to get out on campus and meet students face to face for quality interaction. ‘SU on Tour’ will be returning later this term so keep an eye out!

Liberate Our Curriculum

Another of my main manifesto commitments in my second year as President, has been launching the ‘Liberate Our Curriculum’ campaign in line with the national ‘Why is my Curriculum White?’ movement.

The aim has been to start acknowledging and changing the systemic prioritisation of white, male viewpoints across academic disciplines and increase opportunities to include course content that all students can relate to.

Last term we received a huge response to our surveys on this topic, providing the SU with useful statistics that show how much this campaign is needed. Following on from this, I will be spending a large chunk of term two putting together a report on these stats and a guide for Heads of Department on how to start bringing about this positive change.

I will be asking for student contributions to these documents so be sure to get in touch if you have some examples of where your curriculum needs opening up or how we can achieve this.

As usual, I will be spending a lot of my time representing your views on college committees and project boards. So email me if you have any questions about anything going on around your campus!