
All staff (permanent and student staff) are paid on the 24th of each month (or the Friday before if the 24th falls over a weekend). For permanent staff each payslip covers the full month, with 3 weeks paid in arrears and one week paid in advance. For student staff each payslip covers a four week period as outlined in the pay periods below.

Salaries are subject to statutory deductions for tax and national insurance.

You will be paid by bank transfer into the bank account which is detailed on PeopleHR. If you change bank accounts, it is really important that you update your PeopleHR record. You can do this within the Contacts section of your PeopleHR record.

You will receive a monthly payslip via email to the email address you have supplied to us on PeopleHR.

You can download a list of the monthly pay periods for the year below. This includes the cut off dates (i.e. last shift) for which you will be paid each month.

Student staff payroll dates

All student staff should speak with their line manager in the first instance if they have any queries over their pay.

Any member of permanent staff who has a query with their pay should speak with the HR Manager or Financial Controller.

To help people save more for their retirement, the government requires employers to automatically enrol their workers into a workplace pension scheme where they meet certain criteria. This applies to those who aren’t already in a workplace pension scheme and who:

  • earn over £10,000 a year (£833 a month)
  • are aged 22 or over; and
  • are under State Pension age.

Our automatic enrolment pension scheme is with NEST (National Employment Savings Trust).

If you are automatically enrolled with NEST we will write to you with specific details and let you know how you can opt out of the scheme if you wish to. However, if you stay in the scheme the payments into your pension will be:

  • The Students’ Union's contribution will be equal to 3% of your qualifying earnings each month (see below for more information on qualifying earnings).
  • The employee contribution will be equivalent to 4% of your qualifying earnings each month.
  • The government, in the form of tax relief, will pay an amount equal to 1% of your qualifying earnings each month.

Qualifying earnings means what you earn between a minimum (currently £6,136 per year) and a maximum (currently £50,000 per year).