Support for Staff

Employee Assistance Programme // Permanent staff only

As a permanent staff member one of the benefits is that you have automatic access to our Employee Assistance Programme with Worklife Solutions.

This programme gives you unlimited, free, 24 hour, over the phone support with a qualified counsellor who can provide support for emotional and practical problems, bereavement assistance, immediate crisis intervention, legal information (including debt management, consumer disputes, property or neighbour legalities), and medical information (while this service doesn’t offer a diagnosis, qualified nurses are on hand to offer advice on a range of medical or health-related issues).

To find out more, and to access a whole heap of online support including fact sheets and webinars, please visit the following website:

To access the benefits both the user name and password is worklife You can also download the app called Health E-Hub using the user name and password as above.

If you want to contact the phone service, which is entirely confidential, please call 0800 316 9337.

Advice CEntre // Student staff only

As a student staff member you are able to access the Students’ Union Advice Centre, for confidential and independent advice. Our advisors are specialists in offering support with academic and housing issues but will also be able to signpost you to other wellbeing services where necessary.

Please note that generally the Advisors will not be able to offer support to you in relation to your role as a student staff member and you should speak to a member of HR if you have any concerns that relate to this.

You can access the website at or you can ask for advice over email via

Alternatively, you can book an appointment by emailing, calling the Helpdesk on 01784 276700, or visiting the Helpdesk on the first floor of the Students' Union.