Freshers' Fair

Tuesday 29 September 2020

09:00 - 17:00


Freshers' Fair

Freshers' Fair is one of the most important events of Freshers' Festival, as it's your chance to check out everything that you can get involved with during your time at university. From sports, societies and media outlets, to local businesses, charities and our delicious sponsor Domino's! 

Usually, we gather hundreds of people at the Sports Centre and invite you to walk through all the stands to have a chat with the teams that you're interested in joining or the society you would love to be a part of, so that you can get to know who they are and what opportunities they offer throughout the year. 

As you'll probably be expecting us to say, due to the current global pandemic, a physical fair with hundreds of people is simply not possible as we must prioritise your safety and work with the government guidelines. However, we've got extremely exciting news, because over the summer we've been working hard to still bring you an incredible Freshers' Fair COMPLETELY virtually! 

In just a few clicks you'll be able to wander around all our different virtual stalls and interact with loads of different people just as you would in the physical fair, but from the comfort of your own home. This will be a unique online experience that has given us the opportunity to completely transform the way we deliver Freshers' Fair, ensuring we can still have a huge positive impact on your university experience.

So click away and join us on Tuesday 29 September at our brand new Freshers' Fair that will be hosted on our Freshers' Festival website!