Friday 03 May 2024

00:00 - 00:00

Speak Week

Speak Week is back from 3-10 May! With the end of the academic year approaching, we’re running several activities to hear about the things that are most important to you, and most importantly, identify solutions.

We’ll be asking you one big question:

'What one change would improve your exam and assessment experience?'

All activities that we carry out as part of Speak Week are open to ALL students. Whether you’re an Academic Rep, Community Officer, member of a student group, media group, or none of the above. This week is for all of you and we encourage you to take part in any way that you can.

What is Speak Week?

It’s an opportunity for all students to provide feedback on the changes that they want to see at Royal Holloway. Your Officers will be leading the charge, reaching out to as many students as possible and asking for the change they want to see.