Blog: Equalities Council is Here

Your VP Equality and Diversity gets you prepped for Equalities Council next week.

As a democratic organisation, the Students’ Union aims towards fair representation of all students here at Royal Holloway. Equalities Council is one of three democratic bodies where all students can bring forward ideas for change, the other two being Education Council  and Student Opportunities Council.

This year’s Equalities Council will kick off with a report on all the work I’ve been doing as Vice-President (Welfare & Diversity), alongside important items for discussion:

  • Liberating Our Curriculum
  • Equality & Diversity Strategy
  • Sexual Health Provision

Why is it important?

The purpose of Equalities Council is to enable all students to participate in discussions around liberation & diversity policies and campaigns, so I encourage everyone who is interested to attend the council meeting on 8th November, 6-7pm at INT-243.

Each of your liberation officers will also be in attendance. They are the elected student representatives working on LGBTQ+, Women’s, BME, Disability, International and Mental Health campaigns. As our BME & Disabled students’ representatives are currently not filled, we will be hosting elections for those two positions. If you are interested in running in the elections, please get in touch with myself or our Student Voice Manager.

Lastly, please keep in mind that RHSU is an inclusive organisation, and recognises that anti-social conduct and behaviour has a direct impact on the well-being of individuals within our venues. As such, we have a zero tolerance policy in regards to any form of harassment, discrimination and violence. Our aim is to foster an inclusive and open environment where all students can contribute to the discussions in a safe space.

As usual, please feel free to get in touch with me via email or Facebook. See you at the Equalities Council!