#HealthyU - Post Training Meals

Steff has been asking some Royal Holloway Bears what their favorite post training meals are as part of #HealthyU Week!

officer blog

It’s Bears Wednesday so I thought why not ask some Royal Holloway Bears what their favourite post training meals are! I spoke to Sophie Shapter and Dani Duran and here are a couple of their favourite meals and recipes:

Sophie Shapter - 3rd Year - Women’s Football President and Rower.

Post Training I generally go for something quick and easy to cook that’s going to give me all the stuff I need to recover. One of my go to meals is a simple chicken dish that you can vary hugely:

// First, grab a chicken breast and place it on a sheet of tin foil.

// Add butter and season to taste.

// Wrap up the chicken in foil, and pop it in the oven, (180 degrees) for 20-25 mins.

// While that’s in the oven, you have a choice of various sides. I try to tick the carbs and veg boxes, so I go for one of these: boiled potatoes,        rice, chips, or mashed potato!

// Veg wise I love broccoli, baby corn, and peas - boiled or steamed.

// Time everything to come together once the chicken is cooked, and serve.


Dani Duran - 3rd Year Politics and International Relations Student - Cheerleader and fitness lover

I absolutely love breakfast foods! For me, my go to post work out meal is protein pancakes. They are yummy, they taste like an indulgence but are so clean and macro friendly. 

Cinnamon- peanut butter protein pancakes:

// 1 scoop of protein powder ( I use Neat Nutrition)

// 1/4 cup of oats

// 1/2 banana

// 2 egg whites

// 1/4 tsp baking powder

// Mix and cook with coconut oil  

// Toppings: Peanut butter of course, Greek yoghurt and bananas