Admin Offices On The Move

Some departments are moving over the Easter break, due to the academic restructure. Find out who is on the move and whether it impacts on you.

education blog
With the academic restructure comes some slight movements in terms of admin offices, and some of these are occurring over the Easter period.

Therefore, we just wanted to point your attention towards the statement on the student intranet as well as giving a quick summary:

  • History Department are moving to the International Building, with their admin office located on the ground floor.
  • Computer Science, ISG and Maths will be moving to the Bedford Building, with their admin office also be on the ground floor.
  • Economics, and the entirety of their staff, will now be in the Horton Building.

These changes will be made before any teaching in the summer term. I understand that this period of the academic year entails hand-ins for various dissertations and essays so if you are experiencing any problems then please do contact your departmental admin team.

Jack O'Neill // Vice President Education