
Welcome to Royal Holloway's first Iranian Society!

Instagram: rhul_iraniansoc

About Us

We are a way for the Iranian community at Royal Holloway to connect and bond over our shared cultural experiences. We are also open to people of other ethnic backgrounds who are interested in learning more about Iran and being part of the community.



We have many exciting events coming up, such as socials on campus and a visit to an Iranian restaurant. 

Our Yalda event in December was a great time for us to gather with the other University of London Iranian societies and celebrate the longest night of the year with poetry, food and of course some gher! 

We can't wait to bring the same energy at Norooz with another Inter-University event -- details coming in March!



Purchase our £5 standard membership for the year and have free access to on campus socials and reduced entry to events.


Get Involved

Get in touch to see if we have roles available to be part of the society! 


Contact Us

Instagram: rhul_iraniansoc


No elections are currently running





  • Iranian Standard Membership 2024/25£1.00

Why do I have to pay for my membership?

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Not ready to commit to a membership?

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  • Iranian Standard Membership 2024/25£1.00
Mahak Ashoori Mehranjani
Leili Javan
Parmida Eslaminazari
Wellbeing Secretary
Ayla Abbasi