
Welcome to Royal Holloway’s Feminism Society!

We are so excited to be returning for 2024/25! The Feminism Society intends to create an inclusive community in which we come together using a feminist lens to learn about and address both local and global issues. We, then, intend to expand our community to involve collaboration in our events with individual students, student groups, SU representatives and academic staff to create a more collaborative environment on campus. This collaboration will be used to not only engage with and address feminist issues on our campus but, also, to support the already existing movements and pursuits of action all throughout Royal Holloway. These goals will be accomplished through regular socials and literature reviews led by final-year students, postgrad students and academic staff. 

Meetings and Events:

We will hold bimonthly socials and bimonthly literature reviews.

Socials: Our socials are intended to be inclusive and relaxing spaces that include various events such as Tote Bag decorating, Pottery, Pub Crawls, and various collabs with other societies. 


Literature Reviews: Our literature reviews are intended to promote education and collaboration between academic staff and students through staff-led discussions around literature concerning global and local issues along with discourse within the field. They are, also, intended to provide a space for Final-year and Postgrad students to share their knowledge! Some topics we have discussed include the Gender Gap and Food Insecurity; Border Abolition; Climate Change and Gender; Bisexual Asylum Seekers; Finding the Experiences of Enslaved People within Colonial Archives; Canadian Assimilation Practices; etc. It should be noted that these literature reviews are not debates and should not be treated as such. They are an academic examination of source material related to the presented topic.


Contacting us:

Email: feminism@royalholloway.su

Instagram: rhulfeminismsociety

Consent Sticker

No elections are currently running





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