Makeup, Performance & Artistry

"MPA is a space where makeup ability comes second to creativity and willingness to learn. We value expression over perfection and are blind to gender and societal norms. You are welcome here."

Welcome to Makeup, Performance and Artistry society! Whilst makeup is at our very core, we are not limited to just that. The 'artistry' umbrella is super wide which means we can support most forms of art! For example, nail art, henna, physical theatre- almost anything you can imagine!

To illustrate this we've put the main pillars of society in categories so you can really feel what we're all about!


They're exactly what you think they are! They are fundamental to MPA in the ethos of sharing and receiving knowledge. Tutorials are not restricted to one style in our society and branch from beginners’ tips to the Avant Garde. Anyone in the society can put on a tutorial and we encourage you to come forward with ideas! This is at the heart of our society and not all tutorials have to be ability based! (Example: looking how to match your foundation). If you come with something to teach, then you can run a tutorial.


Lectures are an essential part of MPA because knowledge is power- we are baddies with brains after all! Anyone can put on a lecture in MPA! There is a wealth of things to talk about when looking at makeup and what surrounds it such as: cultural impact, the intersection of makeup and fashion, the history of makeup etc. However, although makeup can be used as something to break boundaries, we cannot forget that they were also used place binaries/ boundaries. For example, the norm of there being little to no foundation shades for POC. The more we know about that history, the more we can eradicate the restrictive and archaic ideologies.

Exhibitions (shows and performances)

Makeup is art and should be treated as such. We want to show off the work you do and with exhibitions we can! We have two different types of exhibitions which are: 

• STATIONARY- This is much like a traditional art gallery. Walking through, pictures hung up with descriptions of said work. You can make your section your own like having live models with said makeup- almost anything you can bring in! 

PERFORMATIVE- Makeup is inherently theatrical/ performative. Performance can really enhance a person’s artistry. This could also be the journey of creating something on stage in performance art. We are under the ‘artistry’ umbrella meaning performance themes can have substantial flexibility meaning not every piece has to have makeup as the total centrepiece.


We hold a variety of different socials! From MPA snatch game to regular hang outs- we have it all! We also love asking our community what they would like to see event wise and try to make that happen. You'll always be welcome in our society!!


We will never tolerate bullying, racism, xenophobia, homophobia, anti-semitism, transphobia regardless of how small.

We have a zero tolerance policy for this in our society. This society will and always will be a safe place for EVERYONE.


So- what are you waiting for? Join today and join a community that will support and uplift you relentlessly!! Can't wait to see you there 

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