Policy Inquiries

In 2019, the Students’ Union reviewed its approach to how we develop proposals that lobby for improvements to the student experience. Part of this introduced the concept of a Policy Inquiry – an in-depth, research-informed process that generates a high-quality Student Voice Report on a particular topic. Involving students in investigation and deliberation, the end goal is a range of recommendations presented to the College that will have a substantial and long-lasting positive impact on the student experience at Royal Holloway.

PGT Student Experience

Published: 03/05/24

The Students’ Union launched a Policy Inquiry into the postgraduate taught student experience at Royal Holloway in Term One of the 2022-23 academic year and tracks the postgraduate taught student life cycle in a single academic year. This Student Voice Report summarises some of the findings from different areas of the postgraduate taught student experience at Royal Holloway.

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Latest Updates

PGT Student Experience Policy Inquiry

After more than a year of research and engagement with students, we’re excited to share with you our PGT Student Voice Report!

The PGT Experience: Survey Three Results

Over the summer, we asked PGT students to take part in one final survey for our Policy Inquiry and now it's time to share the results! We've also compiled a list of potential recommendations to improve your experience and would love to hear your thoughts.

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Housing Student Voice Reportt

Published: 16/06/2021

This Student Voice Report examines the issues students are facing when it came to their housing experience while studying at Royal Holloway and identifies areas for improvement from both the University and the Students’ Union in relation to improved housing provision and support.

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Careers Student Voice Report

Published: 17/06/2020

This Student Voice Report examines the current provision of careers support at Royal Holloway across professional and academic departments, the Careers & Employability Service, and the Students’ Union.

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PGR Student Voice Report

Published: 20/05/2020

This Student Voice Report marks the culmination of our efforts to engage with the postgraduate research community over the past ten months. It presents an in-depth analysis of our ongoing discussions with students, and highlights both their positive and negative experiences at Royal Holloway while undertaking a research degree.

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BAME Student Voice Report

Published: 29/01/2020

This Student Voice Report on the BAME (Black, Asian and minority ethnic) Inclusive Student Experience presents our work over the last two years, and examines the issues negatively impacting the higher education experience of BAME students in a national context as well as at Royal Holloway.

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How Policy Inquiries work

Policy Inquiries can be raised one of three ways:

  1. A simple majority of a Student Executive
  2. A simple majority of the Officer Group
  3. The President, on receipt of a verified petition of 500 student members

The structure and terms of reference for each Policy Inquiry is determined by the Officer Group or appropriate Student Executive, including timeframes, but will usually incorporate work within the following areas:

  1. Education and information: using research and insight to help Royal Holloway student members to fully understand the issue under consideration.
  2. Identification of solutions: determining the full range of options that might be pursued, including working with student members to create new ideas for consideration.
  3. Evaluation and options: an open discussion of student members regarding how these options should be judged.
  4. Decision-making: an interactive process that should involve discussion, debate and deliberation, and ultimately a vote.

A Policy Inquiry may recommend policy, contemporary resolutions, plans, recommendations to the Board, and constitutional changes as appropriate.