December's Rep Of The Month: Grace!

Last term was very busy for your academic reps, and VP Education Kate Roberts is excited to congratulate December's Rep of the Month, Grace Waterman!

education blogRep of the Month

The beginning of term is here! We know that reps worked extremely hard in Term One to gather feedback and make changes to improve your academic experience, and I’m looking forward to seeing what they do this term. But before we kick off Term Two, let’s look back at December with our Rep of the Month, Grace Waterman! 

Grace is a Year Two Psychology course rep and was nominated by her classmates for being a great role model and for making changes that benefited students in the department. Her commitment to the role really impressed us!

I had a chat with Grace to find out what she’s been up to.

Why did you want to become a rep?

“I felt like there were things in my department that needed changing. I thought the course rep role would be a great opportunity to be a voice for the students in my year!”

What have you been up to this term?

“My fellow course rep and I developed a questionnaire for all the students we represented, asking if there were things they experienced in first year that they would like to see changed for second year.

“We found that students wanted warnings on sensitive materials in lectures, and that they didn’t feel they should be marked as absent if they chose not to attend triggering lectures. We fed this back to our year coordinator in an SSC meeting.

“In Term Two I want to focus on finding out what students think about the feedback they receive.”

How do you see being a rep impacting on your future?

“I’m gaining really valuable teamwork and leadership skills in this role!”

What’s the best thing about being a rep?

“I really like being able to communicate with staff members I wouldn’t otherwise get a chance to meet. Getting lecturers and course coordinators to see the student perspective is really rewarding – and it makes them seem less scary!”  

I love hearing about what reps get up to across campus. Congratulations Grace! 

Find your academic rep on the Find My Rep page and nominate them for Rep of the Month below!

Nominate a rep!

Kate Roberts // Vice President Education