Friday 28 April 2023

12:30 - 14:30

Tommy's Lounge

Tea @ Tommy's

We're welcoming you back to campus after the Easter break with hot drinks, snacks, and great company!

Take a break from revision and grab yourself a drink, snack, and a sit-down. We'll be providing a range of hot and cold drinks plus cakes for you to indulge in. Join us for a chat or even just for a quick snack!

Feel free to bring a mate or come on your own - we're all about meeting new people and making friends.

This event is part of Give It A Go - our year-round programme of activities and events focused on you meeting new people in a fun, relaxed and welcoming environment.

This event is run in collaboration with the Advice Centre - a free, independent, and confidential service for all students here at Royal Holloway. Our friendly, experienced, and professional staff will provide a listening ear and offer general and specialist advice. Our advisors hold drop-ins on Zoom every Tuesday and Thursday during term time. You can find more information on our events calendar on how to join the drop-ins. You can also email with any questions or to ask for a different meeting time.

This is an alcohol-free event.

Ticket information

Free entry - just turn up!

Entry requirements

Simply turn up with your College Card.