Halls For Continuing Students

If you're currently living in halls and considering your housing options for next year, our Advice Centre give you some things to think about as they compare the advantages of halls versus private housing.

adviceHousinghousing week 2020

Unfortunately, like most unis, Royal Holloway can only guarantee you an offer of a place in halls for your first year. This leaves a limited stock of rooms available to continuing students.

Applications for Halls for continuing students will open in Term Two and are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. 

If you’re unsure about whether or not to apply for halls as a continuing student, below are some factors to consider:

Advantages of halls

Advantages of private housing

Much smaller deposit


No rent up-front

More freedom


Usually more space

Closer to uni facilities and services

Option of garden and parking

Better customer service

More choice

Shorter contracts

Mature living

Campus environment

You’re spoilt for choice

Limited stock

Rooms available throughout the academic year

Finding housemates

If you’re worried about finding housemates or a group with a spare room, fret not. There are always people looking for someone in our HouseMating Facebook group!