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About us
Our group is all about the team. We recently won the Club of the Year award in 2019/20 which just shows how dedicated we are to ensuring that everyone in our club has fun and gets what they set to achieve from joining!
We are one of the friendliest sports clubs on campus and we want to bring all groups of people to our wonderful club. From training to competing all over the south of England we offer a positive environment for all to join.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve never bounced before or have loads of experience, we want you to come join us!
Purchasing a membership to our club will gain you access to our training sessions and socials. We offer a standard membership for the year of £5, this allows you to come to all our socials throughout the year! As well as this, to come to our training once a week, the sessions are a top-up of either a full term of sessions for £60, and 5 sessions at a time for £20. These are non-refundable!
Your membership fee goes towards the hire of the hall, purchasing of new equipment for the club and covering the cost of fully qualified coaches every week!
By joining as a member you get to enjoy the fun atmosphere at training and join in on all of socials which we run frequently throughout the year! You’ll also gain the option to compete all over the south of England and represent your university with the team on fun days out in second term!
Events and Activities
During the year we have lots going on! Training for this term will be Tuesday evenings 6-8pm at Strode’s College in Egham.
We host loads of socials such as these ones from the last couple of years: Jump Giants, Come in your Kit, Karaoke nights, Colours Ball, Skills Swaps and many more!
We also run many charity events to get involved with including Christmas boxes, scrunchie sales, and sponsered walks.
We will have competitions all through the year where we travel to other Universities, and even have fun socials afterwards! We also take part and compete in BUCS, where univeristy trampoline teams from all across the UK come together to compete!
Anyone can compete and it is totally up to you, there's never any pressure! There are a range of different levels that you can compete in so open to everyone of all different abilities!
It's an amazing atmosphere and it's a great way to represent Royal Holloway!
Contact Us
Our committee is really excited to welcome everyone to our club and we’re happy to answer any questions you have! Drop us a message on our Instagram @rhultrampolining, Facebook (search Royal Holloway trampolining) or you can email us at to ask any questions!