
Meet your School Rep

Hello, my name is Izzy (She/Her), I am a third year Literature and Philosophy student. I think ‘favourite piece of literature’ would be a great fact to put here, but I struggle to pin one down! I’m particularly fascinated with Flatland by Edwin E Abbot, which is a phenomenally weird Victorian social satire. But I also love Shakespeare’s Titus Andronicus, and E. E. Cummings poetry. It’s sort of all over the place! I love writing poetry and am committee at the poetry society here at Royal Holloway. I also am committee at Craft Soc where I do a lot of origami (and fail to learn how to crochet for two years!) During my 2nd year as your school rep, I am very excited to continue working with the school on assessment deadlines and “pile up”. But I also think what is extremely exciting is my new plans to build community through building closer connections between humanities departments and humanities societies.

Izzy Masters

Izzy Masters


School Rep

School of Humanities