Mental Health and Wellbeing with Alice Goode

Join VP Wellbeing & Diversity Alice Goode to discuss the services available on campus and bring your thoughts on how they could be improved to support students' mental health.
Post COVID-19, there has been greater recognition of the importance of mental health and wellbeing, both nationally and at Royal Holloway. Many of the student-facing services, such as Student Wellbeing and the Advice Centre have started online drop-in sessions this year, which have proved to be popular as they provide a more accessible and inclusive option for students to get the support they need.
The University recently recruited two Harassment and Wellbeing advisors, Chris and Steven. The senior leadership team at the College is also looking at the resources allocated to and structures of the wellbeing department, as demand for their services has risen significantly.
This year, the Students' Union included the Wellbeing Officer in the student group committee structure for the first time, with bespoke training and resources available for those in this role so that they are better equipped to deal with the range of issues that come their way. The SU also delivers mental health awareness training throughout the year to committee members and members of the wider student body who may be interested. Some student groups such as Cheer and Dance, Walk and Talk, and Mentality have done some excellent work this year, highlighting mental health issues and continuously working to promote general wellbeing and self-care.
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Student Voice Conference (14-18 February)
Brand new this year, Student Voice Conference is your opportunity to tell us about the things that are important to you, and together, we'll identify solutions.
All activities that we carry out as part of the Student Voice Conference are open to ALL students. Whether you’re an academic rep, Collective convenor, member of a student group, media group, or none of the above. This conference is for all of you, and we encourage you to take part in any way that you can.
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