Access and Participation Panel Discussion

Debbie McVitty (WonkHE Editor), Maia Jarvis (VP Education) and Alice Goode (VP Wellbeing & Diversity) are joining us for a panel discussion on student engagement with Access & Participation.
Vice Presidents, Maia Jarvis and Alice Goode will be talking to feature guest speaker, Debbie McVitty, WonkHE editor. WonkHE are leaders in UK higher education debate and provide analysis and commentary on the hottest topics in HE.
What is access and participation?
Access and Participation plans set out how higher education providers will improve equality of opportunity for students from underrepresented groups (e.g. low-income, black and global majority, mature, care leavers, disabled) to access, succeed in and progress from higher education!
Join the panel discussion
Student Voice Conference (14-18 February)
Brand new this year, Student Voice Conference is your opportunity to tell us about the things that are important to you, and together, we'll identify solutions.
Whether you’re an academic rep, Collective convenor, member of a student group, media group (or you’re just keen to create change at Royal Holloway), this conference is for ALL of you and we encourage you to take part in any way that you can. Each day of the week will feature a different activity so you can discuss your thoughts and help us move forward to create change.
Get involved in Student Voice Conference