Lucy Brown

Bana Asqalan

Vice President Societies & Sport

About Me

­­Hey! I’m Bana and this year I’m your Vice President Societies & Sport.

As an international student, I understand the importance of societies and sport to build a community at Royal Holloway and create a second home. I am really excited to work with you all, to ensure our campus is the best it can be.

My Aims for 2024/25

  • Introduce strength and conditioning classes for the sports teams that need it.
  • Improve the gym by:
    • Extending operating hours
    • Upgrading the equipment
  • Streamline the event proposal process for societies.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email me at or message me on Instagram, @rhsusocsport

Looking forward to working with you all!

The Role

The VP Societies & Sport has joint overall responsibility for developing the support the Students' Union offers to student groups on campus.

They work closely with the University's Active Lifestyle & Sport department to build relationships that aid the development of sporting activity on campus. This can include lobbying for improved facilities, high quality equipment and ensuring all students have access to different ways of keeping active.

They lead on campaigns and activities related to student health and wellbeing through sport.

Sitting on the Union’s Board of Trustees, VP Societies & Sport spends time working closely with students on campaign delivery while ensuring the Union is delivering on its strategic plan.

What I'm Working On

Latest Blogs

VP Socs & Sport Term Two Update

Tue 26 Mar 2024

Term 2 has been a busy term with events planning, Leadership Elections, and some of my biggest projects for the year!

Come On You Bears!

Thu 21 Mar 2024

A huge well done to all of the amazing sports clubs who competed in another incredible Varsity competition yesterday! Read all about the scores on the doors.

Student Group Support Funding

Wed 13 Mar 2024

Whether you’re darting across the country to compete in sport, or buying resources to run an event on campus, there are lots of costs associated with running your sports club, society or media outlet. Luckily, the Student Opps team allocated funding to groups throughout the year!

Sabb Update - 23/02/24

Fri 23 Feb 2024

As we reach the halfway mark of Term Two, it's time to catch up with your Sabbatical Officer team!

Cost of Living and Student Groups

Mon 12 Feb 2024

The Cost of Living Crisis is currently affecting nearly all areas of student life, and while participating in student groups can be one of the best parts of university, sometimes the costs can be a barrier. VP Societies & Sport has put together a list of top tips for students and committee members!

Big Bears Wednesday Round Up

Wed 07 Feb 2024

Last week, sports clubs across campus battled for a win in their BUCS fixtures. VP Societies & Sport Alastair brings you a report of all the scores!

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